(Wasn't sure where to put this)
Dear God(s),
I'm done shouting at you now...er...sorry about that.
I'm still not ok, but life is moving on very quickly around me and so I suppose I should continue to move with it. I can't believe it was only yesteday morning.
I don't understand why people die, or why you had to let Henry deteriorate quite to fast, and I'm not sure I want to. To quote Joss Whedon "It's stupid and mortal". But I accept that that's the way it is.
I have some regrets - I should have got to know him better, and I should have gone to that stupid evening meal last week. I could have persuaded my parents to get someone else to babysit Katharine and then I would have seen him.
But I'm also glad of lots of things. Like that time we drew round him in the David and Goliath story. And when we made him dress up as a catapillar, and that joke with the cows that just got funnier and funnier every time he said it, until we got to the actual performance and we all craked up on stage. I even heard someone say yesterday, "At least he got to be a christingle". That should be used as his epitaph. Not many people get to dress up as a giant orange in their lifetime.
Anyhoo, I just wanted to let you know that I won't be mentioning him in my prayers anymore. I'll be praying for Louise - I can't imagine how she must be feeling. Afterall, Henry's fine now.
- In memory of Henry Say who died of cancer early sunday morning, and in sympathy for his wife, Louise, who's going though a pain I can't begin to understand.