Thank You Thank You Thank You Sarah and Ook for the nice thoughts and energy!
I certainly felt it today.
SADLY... The person who was going to do our inspection came down with a flu bug and nicely decided not to share with the rest of us and stayed home!
I can't remember a time when I've been so disappointed in something not happening!
I'm not sure, but I think I had tears in my eyes when we got the news.
We weren't really prepared for the event quite many different odd things happened to us over the past week or so that I should have seen this coming, but I was so focused on what needed to be done that I just kept my nose to the grind stone and kept plugging away. So we are told it will happen this month still, just have to wait to get the news. Now I just have to keep the staff motivated to complete all the half done projects to make the cut the next time!
Wow...I'm still feeling the effects of disappointment! I'm going to have to do some soul searching to find the reasoning behind these feelings! I think it's just the fact that this is such a large thing. From other posts with other jobs, ya'll know that having big things come to me somehow isn't out of the ordinary...........Both head baker jobs I earned the title of best baker in the state, then best baker in the district, top 10 in the country, etc etc etc...So having this come to my team is such a nice addition to that and I want it for my team SO much! They deserve it. Our store is among the top 10 in the numbers game every week and that is out of over 600 stores world wide and growing every month.
I just think that this statis will bring a sort of closeness to the team that we don't currently have yet. I know it will come, with hard work and perserverence.
As far as the baby news....
I am SOOOO excited! Our son moved back to our town this weekend and his lady moves home next weekend! So the baby will be born here and I can love him and squeeze him and spoil him ROTTEN! and buy all sorts of NOISY toys then send him home to his parents to set him straight!
*giggles impishly*
Ok I'm off to bed...earliest I've been home all week! Bed sounds rather nice about now!
Love ya'll tons and bunches
Mama Storm